Monday, December 18, 2006

Blogging Workshop

In late December a workshop was done on blogging and other Internet resource at Jefferson Community and Technical College Southwest Campus. This workshop will be virtualized in posted by early February. The information can be found at:

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Microsoft Producer Virtual Workshops

As part of the Kentucky Information Technology Center (KITCenter) initiative a virtual workshop on Microsoft producer has been produced. It can be accessed from the following website. initially the workshop will not have a password, but if you use the information in the virtual workshop please inform Tammy McCollum( so that we can record the activity. If you try to access the workshop and it asks for a password please contact Tammy for access to the workshop (future development).

Microsoft Producer use PowerPoint 2003 slides and video to create a dynamic web page. The slides and the video are synchronized together and each slide is linked to the discussion of that slide. A step by step process is outlined for the workshop participant. The slides and other helpful material are also located at the workshop site including files that can be used to practice with before creating your own video and PowerPoints also include are pdf copies of the slides.